Gone Where

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God’s escape plan

God has a supernatural escape plan for those that follow Him. We have looked at a number of previous examples of how God rescued those that follow Him, and also specific prophecies about the fast approaching judgement; this time of 'Great Tribulation'. In addition there are many passages in scripture that refer to His escape plan for us, both how it will be, and the 'time' it will be, or the 'season', (rather than the exact date). Many Christians who closely study the Word of God (The Bible) are suggesting we are now in that season, and very close to that very point in time ! There are a number of patterns in the Bible that demonstrate this supernatural escape plan, one being Enoch who we mentioned earlier, who was Noah's great Grandfather. Remember that before the great flood, people lived much longer lives.

God 'took' Enoch, so he did not die, or go through the global flood judgement. This is a model of what is about to happen, when The Church will also be 'removed' or 'extracted' - 'taken' by God. There is real urgency to understand and share this important information. Have you noticed around the world, how the leaders of most western countries are now weak, left-leaning, and anti-God, and against traditional western values? They are all in lock-step, embracing the new religions of Net Zero, gender diversity and identity politics. These are not based on science, or the values of democracy, but are ideologies which promote division, and distract the people, while ignoring the real problems of lawlessness, conflicts, energy uncertainty, food shortages/prices and inflation. It looks like the stage is set for a powerful charismatic leader to emerge, and offer solutions to the world's problems. He will be welcomed with open arms, but will not be all that he seems to be. Understanding the danger that lies ahead, taking this issue seriously, learning what you must do to escape, is a matter of 'life and death' . . . literally! Another reason you will not want to miss the escape He has planned, is that we are told there will be a great deception following this disappearance of millions of people. Can you imagine how the media will spin this event? They will probably say that aliens have taken all these people away. And surprisingly the people will believe it! See Paul's note about this very thing

Many people will fall for this explanation, and therefore may be prevented from having another chance at being 'saved' from the permanent separation from God. Where you will spend eternity is for you to choose. See 3 Choices page