Time was separated
We all recognise historical dates as either BC or AD.
What happened to separate time?
The birth of Jesus, The Son of God, exactly as foretold in detail ahead of time. It is significant to see how time on Earth is classified as either before this event, or after it. We can read a lot about this Jesus in the Bible. But did you know Jesus is covered more in secular writings than even Julius Caesar! Now you may not currently hold to a worldview that acknowledges a Creator God. In the past people believed the earth was flat, and that the sun circled the earth. These world views were held for years, but were in error. Over the years we have celebrated men of science that have 'discovered' key elements of physics - atomic forces, gravity and electro-magnetism etc. But consider who designed these fantastic physical laws for us to discover! Who framed the elements that hold the universe together, and make the earth so miraculously and perfectly balanced to support human life? We call Him God, and He has indeed revealed Himself to His creation through this book we call The Bible. It is the only reliable way for us to understand our origins as humans, and to make sense of our history; and every modern day scientific discovery just further validates the biblical narative.
History told in advance
The Bible is a historical book, but also tells history in advance - prophecy! The Bible clearly predicted Jesus' first coming in Bethlehem, proving its authenticity as a supernatural source, being from outside of our time domain! Different prophets from different time periods, consistently said many similar and complementary things about Jesus - foretelling His birth, His Life and His death.
The probability of one man fulfilling just 8 of these hundreds of prophesies is more than 1 to the power of 10 to the 17th , or - 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000, or statistically impossible; unless it was by the design of a supernatural God, who exists outside of time as we know it.
But this world will not last forever, and an ending has been planned; see what God tells us through the chilling words of His prophet Isaiah
“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’”