Gone Where

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What horrors are we escaping

We have mentioned the Antichrist and Great Tribulation. And the scary Book of Revelation at the end of the Bible. All through the Bible this chaotic and violent period of war and judgement is foretold. The Antichrist is ready to come to power now, to solve all the world's problems. He will look really appealing, and the world will welcome this new global Leader. He will be a brilliant and charismatic man, a great orator, an economic genius, and he will promise to finally bring peace to the Middle East, getting the Jews and Arabs to agree to terms. But he will soon show his true colours, and will break the Peace Treaties he agreed with Israel, and then wars and real chaos will follow.

See the introduction of 'The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse', as detailed in John’s vision of Heaven, and recorded in Revelation ch 6, as one by one these instruments of judgement are released upon the earth.

The Lamb in heaven is Jesus, releasing the Antichrist to go on his mission of judgement. This white Horseman represents this Antichrist (also known as The Beast), who at first will bring peace to the Earth, and sign a 7 year peace treaty with Israel.
The other 3 Horsemen represent the elements of judgement that his violent reign will then bring about.
He will demand that everyone worship him, declaring himself to be god, and that all people take the "Mark of The Beast". The technology now exists to put a chip in your hand to track your status, even to make your payments. In all of history this has never before been possible. Without this chip you will not be able to buy or sell. So no fuel or electrical power, no food, no water. And yet, if you give in, your fate is sealed for all eternity.
See John’s words from Revelation

So if by choice you miss the initial 'extraction', you will very likely be deceived by the media’s explanation of the event, and it will be hard, but not impossible to 'turn to God', and follow Jesus, as outlined earlier. And life will be very hard for new followers of Jesus, who will not be able to buy or sell, and who will face real persecution and even death at the hands of the new Global Leader and his followers. And if you 'take the mark', you will be eternally separated from God, with all the other non-believers. You will spend eternity somewhere. Your body may be killed but your soul is eternal. And the decisions you make now will determine where you will go after life on this earth!

So today, choose life!

See next page for the 3 choices ahead of you . . .